It is Satan's gain when we are consumed with anything other than the good news of Jesus and living our lives as He has called each one of us to do. Many of us are lured into believing that voicing our opinion about the ails and injustices of this world, in which we play no role, is in some way our duty as Christians, but is it?
Sure we exist within this world, but we cannot be of it... meaning, our sights are to be set higher. This of course, is not to say Christians can't serve in such forums if called to do so, but let's be clear here, we're not all called to do so. Be present where you are, with who you interact with and let God impress upon where you are to go and what you are to do. Let only the sweet impression of the Holy Spirit and communion with your Heavenly Father be your guide. Anything less risks us falling prey to the plans of Satan. Consider what duty God has for you.

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