When we become saved, our sinful nature does not disappear. There is no winning a battle against sin. It can't be done! What then are we to do? Is there hope? The secret is keeping your eyes on Jesus.
The book of Romans is a lot to take in. Within Romans, fundamentals of the faith are articulated to a degree that most of us would not consider without the book in hand. Yet, God provided. If we look to Romans 4:3 we see that "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness." You may not have caught it on your first read, but it was only necessary that Abraham believe. The righteousness God credited him allowed Abraham to obey God. Abraham didn't obey and have righteousness credited to him, he believed and had righteousness credited to him. There's a world of difference.
If you're looking for a feel good sermon, this won't be it, but if you're looking to bathe in the wonder of how comprehensive God's love is for us it, strap on your thinking caps and listen to Pastor Lawel speak to us God's Word and powerful message on this topic titled, "Lit 4 Christ." May you be impressed by the Holy Spirit's leading.
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